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Booking Confirmed

Overview of the process

Free intro calls

  1. Book your free intro call.
  2. Once your call is approved (within 24 hours), you will receive the Zoom link via email. Please check spam if you don’t see the call confirmation email within 24 hours.
  3. PLEASE CONFIRM YOUR ATTENDANCE of the session using the link in the confirmation email. Failure to confirm attendance at least 48 hours ahead of time may result in the session being cancelled so that time can be allocated to helping existing clients.
  4. Please note that no-shows for the intro call without prior communication of such may result in a non-refundable deposit charge if a subsequent session is requested. (The deposit would be deducted off the program price if you enroll.)


Signing up for a health consulting package

  1. After meeting with Christian to discuss your health goals and needs, and if we’re a good fit to work together, you will be able to sign up for a health consulting package and begin immediately. Payment plans are available if needed.
  2. Further details will be given to you if we decide we’re a good fit to help you achieve your health goals.


Cancellation and rescheduling

  • Please try to reschedule or cancel bookings at least 48 hours in advance, if possible. It is not possible to reschedule a session within 24 hours of its commencement – in such cases please send us an email.

“I came across Christian when he was a guest on a podcast I was listening to. I’ve been working with Christian for nearly 10 months. When I started working with Christian I felt so hopeless, I had so many symptoms for 10+ years, I really had no idea what was going on. I just knew I wasn’t well. The term holistic gets thrown around too often, however Christian truly works this way.

Every area of my life has improved including my sleep, digestion, skin, energy and periods. Christian has helped me through functional testing and supplementation. However, the greatest thing I have taken away is simple everyday skills to manage my own health through diet, supplements and lifestyle. Christian has taught me how to manage my own health and be self sufficient.”

– Nicole, Australia

“Working with Christian has been a life-changing experience for me. I would absolutely recommend him as a health coach to anyone! After 2 pregnancies and severe stress, I was suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome and anxiety. I didn’t know what to do and how to break the circle. Christian advised me to make certain diet adjustments right from the beginning. He gave me great recommendations on what supplements to take and where to get them.

It was not easy to change some habits, but Christian continued to encourage me and celebrated small wins together. I also did a few tests that showed what additional adjustments I need to do and just in a year I was a completely different person. I have changed my lifestyle and got a better understanding of how my body works and how to nurture it in the right way. I will be forever grateful to Christian for guiding me through all the bumps right to a better quality of life and a healthier and stronger body! Thank you, Christian!

– Emma, Ireland

Once I met Christian Yordanov I almost immediately ditched my doctors in the United States and now exclusively use him to help me manage and monitor my health. We started by running a diagnostic test and as a result we changed up my diet, added supplements specifically targeting my needs, and I now feel better at 50 than I did when I was 25 years old. I quite literally trust Christian with my life at this point.

Charlie Robinson, No.1 Best-selling Author & Host of the Macroaggressions Podcast

“Not only is Christian incredibly knowledgeable, he genuinely cares about helping people overcome their health issues. He invests so much time and energy into pinpointing exactly what works and what doesn’t work for someone. He’s so easy and comfortable to talk to. He doesn’t treat you as just another client, but as a friend.

I have learned so much from him over the past year. He’s a human encyclopedia when it comes to health and how the body should optimally function. I know that if any other health problems arise, he will be my first point of contact. It is clear his calling in life is to help others. His steadfast dedication is truly inspiring.”

– Linda, USA

“Working with Christian has been transformational in getting to the bottom of my chronic skin condition! In a world that’s constantly hurling varying heath information at us, it’s been incredibly helpful to seek out Christian’s well-researched, expert advice. He gave me clear direction on what to eat and what not to eat instead of just following fad regimens.

He helped me get the right lab tests and interpreted the results in order to cater to my body’s unique needs. Through diet changes, supplementation and detox protocols, my skin has incredibly improved in the past five months and counting! I’m so thankful to Christian for his help and appreciate his professional and compassionate demeanor.”

– Erica, USA

“I came to Christian with a challenge! I’m in my mid forties and I was eating pretty well, exercising and already had the toxins out of my life for a long time but I felt tired ALL the time and was just so sluggish and didn’t feel like doing anything. I have history in my family of thyroid problems so I was looking for an holistic approach and to find out if indeed it was this issue.

I had heard Christian talking on a podcast and his enthusiasm, thirst for knowledge and the way he presented concepts really engaged with me so I booked our session and did not look back! Christian was firstly sympathetic and wanted to get to the source of the issue and in the interim while we worked things out, he had me on a protocol to get all the basics right. We work each month to correct as required and I am happy to report that I am feeling much better!

He also kindly reminds me when I am off course and gets me back on track if there is an issue without judgement; just a knowing reassurance which I appreciate. We are still working on the perfect balance but I am seeing great results with my energy and how I generally feel and now I am so much more confident in the choices I am making for my health.

– Andrea, France

“Working with Christian for the last year has made a significant impact on my healing journey. With poor help and lack of understanding from allopathic doctors, I took responsibility for my health and for years I tried to manage a myriad of symptoms that were becoming debilitating and wreaking havoc on my system with little to no improvement.

Christian took a wholesome, methodical approach to parse my issues and help me begin my uphill path to regaining balance with my health. He approached data from lab tests in a manner that made sense and made the healing process much easier to cope with. While I still have a longer healing path ahead of me, Christian has paved the way to me re-establishing homeostasis for my body and has helped improve my quality of life. Your health and longevity is an investment – allow Christian to help you improve your biggest asset.

– Sophia, USA

“I have worked with Christian for about 9 months and found his advice invaluable. It has been a lot of work, but I now know how to correctly do cleanses, for my liver and gall bladder. Also, I have had problems with severe rashes for the last 35 years. The rashes could not be healed by medical doctors, nor by other health practitioners. It took some time, but finally he realized that my body was reacting to eating beans, seeds and/or nuts. Since quitting these foods I have been without rashes, which I used to get constantly… at least every other week. Thank you Christian!

– Ali, USA

“Christian is incredibly knowledgeable and thorough, taking the time to discuss every detail of your health concerns. His genuine care and passion for natural healing shine through. I highly recommend him to anyone looking to heal naturally and improve their well-being.”

– Jen, USA; We resolved her daughter’s sleep issues, nose bleeds, and allergies during the three months we worked together.

“A child’s health is one of the primary concerns of any parent. However, understanding the underlying issues and the latest science behind them is an onerous task. Throw autism into the mix – a condition that is not yet fully understood even by experts – and suddenly a parent is thrust into a wild frontier of conflicting theories and research.

Since getting to know Christian and having read his book, a lot of the key concepts and principles have been made clear and the information frontier is not as scary as it first appeared. With his help, I was able to understand the holistic approach to diet and nutrition, and, more importantly, be able to test and measure the relevant biomarkers involved. This has helped me address specific issues in my son’s health and put other concerns to rest.

Christian’s integrity and genuine desire to do good are evident in every interaction. Coupled with the body of knowledge that he continues to expand, I would highly recommend him to anyone who wishes to integrate the methods of modern medicine into their lives and start addressing the causes instead of the symptoms.

– Stephen, Spain

“After our son’s autism diagnosis, Christian was the first person who pointed us in the right direction. I can’t thank him enough for this! All doctors we have seen didn’t want to look deeper into the issues our son had. He had terrible digestive problems right from his early days. He was extremely selective with food and could survive only on gallons of milk, bread, and biscuits. Christian advised on the diet change and just some simple vitamins to start with. He explained the importance of a healthy diet that will nurture his body and help to heal his damaged gut.

We followed up with some tests that confirmed that our son had dysbiosis and some harmful bacteria in his gut. We found out that his body is slow to detox and is extremely sensitive. With the right tests, we were able to set some goals and create a protocol we were implementing thought the year. After changing in diet and right supplementation our son started to grow faster, he became a more energetic and healthy-looking boy. We have noticed positive improvements in his behavior and his eating habits are improving with time. All our family switched to a different diet which was a huge effort both emotionally and financially, but this was the best decision we have made for our family. We only see the positive impact this had on everyone’s health. Without any hesitation, I recommend Christian to anyone who is tired of treating symptoms and want to get rid of the real cause!

– Emma, Ireland

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® practitioners do not diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease or condition. Nothing we share with our clients is intended to substitute for the advice, treatment or diagnosis of a qualified licensed physician. Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN) practitioners may not make any medical diagnoses or claim, nor substitute for your personal physician’s care. It is the role of a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® practitioner to partner with their clients to provide ongoing support and accountability in an opt-in model of self-care and should be done under the supervision of a licensed physician.