I was back on my feet within weeks, and a few months later I felt so great that began working on my first book – an endeavour that takes a tremendous amount of energy, willpower, and resolve – not something that can be achieved when your health is down in the dumps (and certainly not in the time period I did it). But without the lab data, I may have continued suffering for months without knowing what the culprits were. At that point, I knew this functional approach is the correct way to address digestive issues (and other health problems) and have been using it with my clients ever since.
Knowing the “lay of the land” in the gut is extremely helpful for the practitioner. This is the beauty of functional lab testing. It allows us to design truly customised protocols based on each client’s needs, saving us from guessing and trial-and-error. Using this approach can greatly speed up the journey back to health – and it works as long as the client holds up their end of partnership. In part, this is because it is relatively rare that an overt pathogen is causing the problem. Usually, it is a state of imbalance or disarray in the gut (a.k.a. dysbiosis) that is often caused by diet, lifestyle, stress, toxins, and other environmental factors. And often there is an overgrowth of inflammatory or opportunistic bacteria (such as the endotoxin-producing species I mentioned above).
This means that to truly address the sources of the gastrointestinal issues, we must be ready to implement changes and improvements to our diet, habits, and lifestyle. Occasionally, we must let go of limiting beliefs about what a healthy diet is for the particular person (for example, some people do really poorly with fibre, despite it being touted as “super important to health” in the mainstream) and be ready to try new things as oftentimes it is precisely our daily habits and routines that got us into our poor state of health.
If you are ready to stop the fruitless cycle of trial-and-error and needless suffering, please book a free, no-strings attached intro call so we can meet and discuss your situation. There are solutions, and they are accessible and relatively easy to implement in many cases.