You’ve tried changing your diet. You’ve tried multiple supplements, home remedies, or intermittent fasting. You’re doing so many things right, but the gut problems continue to frustrate you and reduce the quality of your life.

Whether you have a diagnosis of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) or other gastrointestinal condition, or have not been formally diagnosed, the help you need is here.

I’ve helped clients with severe gut problems to overcome their symptoms and restore their health and start loving life again. When I say “severe”, we are talking about clients that used to dread the thought of their next meal because of the pain, gas, bloating, constipation or diarrhea, and other discomfort that was bound to ensue. Of course, they invariably also suffered in other areas of their life including sleep, mood, hormonal balance, heavy periods, and a general low quality of life – some of them for a decade or more. With my assistance, they were able to balance their gut and reclaim their health within months.

We will use the same functional approach to help you finally resolve your digestive symptoms for good. You are in good hands.

The keys restoring gut health

Every person needs an individualised gut restoration plan that takes into account their microbiome, diet, various stressors, habits, environment, and of course health history and all the other ancillary factors that we analyse.

As you may have found out the hard way, using cookie-cutter diets or “cleanses” or trying various supplements or modalities based on random advice we’ve received will often leave you frustrated and confused.

My functional approach in addressing gastrointestinal issues

1. Identify imbalances in the gut and across all other body systems through functional lab testing, metabolic function assessment, observation, conversation, and survey of your nutrition, lifestyle, environment, and stressors.

2. Address imbalances (instead of trying to suppress symptoms) with a customised and comprehensive natural approach that covers gut balancing, detoxification, stress reduction, diet, supplementation, sleep and light hygiene, EMF amelioration, and other areas as needed.

3. Support the client on their journey back to health. Correct course and overcome challenges that arise with ongoing consultation sessions, chat support, and audio and video resources. Re-test and amend protocols where necessary.

Not only is this approach incredibly effective when the person is willing to implement it, I’ve seen first hand the difference it can make even in a few weeks, and the new levels of health that are possible after a few months of gut cleansing and balancing, dietary and supplement optimisation, and the other tools and modalities I now use with my clients.

You see, I personally experienced the rapid decline in health caused by gut dysbiosis that went “under the radar”. 

After getting a “stealth” infection in 2018, my health went from great to terrible in a couple months (I discuss the story in more detail in my latest book, How to Actually Live Longer, Vol.1). My strength, energy levels, motivation, libido, and mental performance deteriorated precipitously. Even doing ten push-ups was a struggle at one point. But I was in denial. My high coffee consumption was masking the problem, and I was lucky that I had low stress and was eating clean and supplementing my diet very well. All of that kept me together for a while, but the gut dysbiosis did grind me down eventually.

The cold hard truth smacked me in the face when I saw the results of a comprehensive hormone panel I had run (the DUTCH test, which I run with some of my clients to asses sex and adrenal hormones):

My testosterone and androgens were basically lower than a 60-year old man’s.

Quickly realising that “something is indeed wrong” and I need to get my head out of the sand, I soon ran one of best stool tests (the GI-MAP) to check for pathogens. This is the test we run with my clients to assess the state of the microbiome and check for pathogenic bacteria, parasites, protozoa, and various other organism (like Candida) and markers of intestinal health.

When we do this with my clients, I always give them a base gut cleansing protocol so they can start improving gastrointestinal function as soon as they collect the stool sample and it is picked up by the courier (all lab tests we work with are shipped direct to your door and collected conveniently at home). We also immediately begin addressing nutrition, supplementation, stress, and various environmental factors, because invariably there is room for improvement.

My investment in the stool test was worth it, because I now knew exactly what I needed to address. I had GiardiaBlastocystis hominis, Candida, and an overgrowth of some “opportunistic” bacteria that were causing the dysbiosis that lead to my health deterioration.

I was back on my feet within weeks, and a few months later I felt so great that began working on my first book – an endeavour that takes a tremendous amount of energy, willpower, and resolve – not something that can be achieved when your health is down in the dumps (and certainly not in the time period I did it). But without the lab data, I may have continued suffering for months without knowing what the culprits were. At that point, I knew this functional approach is the correct way to address digestive issues (and other health problems) and have been using it with my clients ever since.

Knowing the “lay of the land” in the gut is extremely helpful for the practitioner. This is the beauty of functional lab testing. It allows us to design truly customised protocols based on each client’s needs, saving us from guessing and trial-and-error. Using this approach can greatly speed up the journey back to health – and it works as long as the client holds up their end of partnership. In part, this is because it is relatively rare that an overt pathogen is causing the problem. Usually, it is a state of imbalance or disarray in the gut (a.k.a. dysbiosis) that is often caused by diet, lifestyle, stress, toxins, and other environmental factors. And often there is an overgrowth of inflammatory or opportunistic bacteria (such as the endotoxin-producing species I mentioned above). 

This means that to truly address the sources of the gastrointestinal issues, we must be ready to implement changes and improvements to our diet, habits, and lifestyle. Occasionally, we must let go of limiting beliefs about what a healthy diet is for the particular person (for example, some people do really poorly with fibre, despite it being touted as “super important to health” in the mainstream) and be ready to try new things as oftentimes it is precisely our daily habits and routines that got us into our poor state of health.

If you are ready to stop the fruitless cycle of trial-and-error and needless suffering, please book a free, no-strings attached intro call so we can meet and discuss your situation. There are solutions, and they are accessible and relatively easy to implement in many cases.

“I came across Christian when he was a guest on a podcast I was listening to. I’ve been working with Christian for nearly 10 months. When I started working with Christian I felt so hopeless, I had so many symptoms for 10+ years, I really had no idea what was going on. I just knew I wasn’t well. The term holistic gets thrown around too often, however Christian truly works this way.

Every area of my life has improved including my sleep, digestion, skin, energy and periods. Christian has helped me through functional testing and supplementation. However, the greatest thing I have taken away is simple everyday skills to manage my own health through diet, supplements and lifestyle. Christian has taught me how to manage my own health and be self sufficient.”

– Nicole, Australia

Schedule your free discovery session:

The best way to see if we are a good fit to work together is to request a free 20-minute intro session. Click the link to book the call and fill out the short form. Your call will be approved within 24 hours.

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® practitioners do not diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease or condition. Nothing we share with our clients is intended to substitute for the advice, treatment or diagnosis of a qualified licensed physician. Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN) practitioners may not make any medical diagnoses or claim, nor substitute for your personal physician’s care. It is the role of a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® practitioner to partner with their clients to provide ongoing support and accountability in an opt-in model of self-care and should be done under the supervision of a licensed physician.